Despre revistă

Artes. Revistă de muzicologie publică studii de cercetare în principalele domenii ale muzicologiei: Istoria muzicii, Teoria muzicii, Analiză muzicală, Estetică muzicală, Etnomuzicologie, Bizantinologie muzicală, Teoria interpretării muzicale.

Numărul 1 al revistei ARTES a apărut în 1996, fiind conceput ca un volum de studii de teoria artei (muzică, teatru, arte plastice), volum publicat de Universitatea Națională de Arte „George Enescu” din Iași.

Începând cu numărul 4, profilul tematic al revistei devine exclusiv muzical. Conţinutul şi periodicitatea sa au fost în strânsă legătură cu Simpozionul Naţional de Muzicologie „Ştiinţa muzicii”, organizat, începând cu 1997, de Universitatea Națională de Arte „George Enescu”, cu Simpozionul Naţional de Muzicologie „Identitate și contextualitate stilistică în creația muzicală românească”, inițiat de aceeași institutie în 2007, cu Simpozionul Internațional de Bizantinologie, inițiat în 2008 şi cu obiectivele Centrului de cercetare „Ştiinţa muzicii”, acreditat CNCSIS în 2004.


Odată cu numărul 11/2011, revista ARTES a devenit bilingvă, fiind publicată în limbile română și engleză. Tematica s-a extins cuprinzând și cercetări de bizantinologie, iar de la nr. 15 denumirea revistei se schimbă în Artes. Revistă de Muzicologie.

Număr curent

Volum 27 Nr. 27-28 (2023): Artes. Revista de Muzicologie
					Vizualizare Volum 27 Nr. 27-28 (2023): Artes. Revista de Muzicologie

Studies contained in the double issue, 27-28, of the scientific periodical Artes. Journal of Musicology outline two distinct sections of research. The first originates in papers presented or associated with the theme of the International Conference of Doctoral Schools of the “George Enescu” National University of Arts (3-5 November, 2022): Intersections in artistic research: the model of the Other and the culture of mobility. The second brings together particular studies of fundamental musicology and applied artistic research, reflecting the diversity of disciplines, of lines of musical professionalism.

In the world of music, the model of the Other is present in all branches of creation and research, and is one of the driving forces behind the advance towards new horizons. The visionary composer who prefigures musical language is followed, studied, rediscovered; the masterpiece gives rise to successive, performative and hermeneutic interpretations; the prototypical creation is a school, assimilated, applied and surpassed. The performer with a special sensitivity, the one who reveals new meanings of the opus with his great mastery, is followed, adored, imitated, analysed. Even the world's authoritative musicologists have become stars of the public flow of ideas, generating new directions in musical thinking, in relation to society and culture. The natural need of the Romanian artist, teacher, theorist to keep up with developments in the international environment also leads to the identification of models of teaching or cultural practices. On the other hand, the investigation of past eras, favourable to spiritual and educational work, can be particularly encouraging. The interested reader will find these ideas, but not only, in the seven titles of the first section: Intersections in artistic research: the model of the Other and the culture of mobility.


Classic research themes are always relevant, beyond fashions and cultural directions. New questions about the meanings of music, the unearthing of old manuscript documents, advances in theories of musical perception, semantic, structural and interpretative analysis of some of the opera studied during the doctoral internship – all these shape the issues of the second section: Fundamental musicology vs performing art.

Fulfilled by two book reviews, extended critical commentaries of some emblematic titles in the Romanian musicological actuality, the current volume unites scientific contributions signed by established musicologists and, above all, by representatives of the new generation of researchers, teachers, artists, doctoral students from the traditional university music centres of the country: Iași, Cluj-Napoca, Bucharest.

Laura-Otilia Vasiliu, Professor PhD


Publicat: 2023-07-02


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